ADSR Challenge5 Reka

ADSRChallenge5 Reka.jpg (image/jpeg • 145.7 KB)
Sunday 25 of January, 2009 (20:03:39 UTC)

It was 1976 and I was fifteen. I remember so well the moment when our cousin drove his jeep up to the pond where my sister and I were swimming and asked us to come with him. I was devastated to hear that you, my 11 year older brother who was becoming one of my best friends, had chosen to leave this life.

I spent many years in denial, never having seen your body– I would see the back of a head in a crowd and, convinced it was you, run ahead to look for your face. I cried whole pools of tears, wishing you back with us. But it’s funny…the anger phase of grief has somehow finally hit me now, 33 years later, remembering you and the relationship we had begun when you decided your pesky little sister wasn’t so little or pesky anymore and was turning out a lot like you. Our kids ask about you and I tell them of your love of photography and nature, your talent for computers and your sense of humor, all things I share with you. And it makes me so mad that you didn’t stick around to meet my husband and children, to see the wonderful place I now live in, to introduce me to the family you would have loved to have had.

So mad. And I miss you even more.

Ellie Lash Edward frame, Lynne-Marie Favreau Tattered 3 overlay, Kitty Chen Imaginary paper 2, Cinnamon Designs Parisian Love paper 2, Brandy Hackman Eternal Love hanging loop, Lucida Fax and Caflish Script Pro fonts.


by Kim LaCroix, 25 Jan 2009 (23:01 UTC)
Words cannot describe this one Reka. I have chills and tears welling up in my eyes.


by Reka, 26 Jan 2009 (06:29 UTC)
Thanks, Kim!

by judy, 25 Jan 2009 (20:13 UTC)
Reka,what a heart touching story. So much love, emotion and feeing. It is beautiful. What a great way to express every feeling a person could have. Most of all the Love shines through. Thank you for sharing this with me and giving me a way to express something on paper that may be tender. Beautifully done.


by Reka, 25 Jan 2009 (20:25 UTC)
Thanks, Judy. It was not an easy one to do for me, but one I felt compelled to do.
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