ADSRChallenge4 Reka

ADSRChallenge4 Reka copy.jpg (image/jpeg • 111.2 KB)
Monday 19 of January, 2009 (16:40:16 UTC)

Once upon a time there was a young girl who had just graduated from college and was gathering experience so she could eventually open her own restaurant. Her best friend told her one day that their family was getting a visit from a young Italian man who was studying orchardry. She asked if the young girl could take him under her wing while her friend was busy. They looked forward to him coming – Ahh! An Italian man! What would he be like? Just think of that dark hair, those dark eyes, that romantic Italian accent!
Finally, August arrived, and with it, Eduard. EDUARD??!! Not Eduardo? And he was blond, blue-eyed, and had more of a German accent??!! But the girl took him under her wing anyway. Conversation was difficult, but since she knew Spanish, and he really could speak Italian (though that too with a German accent), they understood each other. She had afternoons off, so she showed him more of the place she lived in than just the apple trees he was there to learn about. Their conversations deepened, and things happening around them, including a sinking boat, faded deep into the background.
When the time came to for him leave in mid-October, well, he didn’t. He lingered until mid-December, when his parents insisted he come home for Christmas. Many letters as well as phone calls made in the dark of the night because of the time difference followed his departure. They missed each other.
Spring arrived, the season of fancies turning, and the young girl decided to leave her dissatisfying job and visit the young man waiting for her in the middle of the Alps. She quit her job, packed a suitcase, and hopped on an airplane to Italy, leaving friends and family behind.
The reunion was a happy one, and the two floated on air. Among their friends and families, others were skeptical. “You are going to let her marry an ITALIAN?” many asked the girl’s parents. But they trusted her judgment and stood up for her. The other side was worried about the influence this American girl would have on their traditional values. But they hoped for their son’s happiness. And the two floated on air.
A proposal of marriage was made and accepted in the fall, an apartment was found, and the two were married the following summer in Italy (a whirlwind relationship which convinced the traditionalist natives that there was a shotgun pointed in the wings…).
The transition was not easy for either one, but twenty-four years and two children later, after many trials and joys, they are still in love. And still floating between periods of having their feet firmly planted on the ground. And both families have gained a new member they love and are proud of.

Moral of the story? Don’t be afraid to follow your heart…

Vintage Papers Skies 17 by Nicole Kaltenecker (NBK the Leaf), House element from The Maltese Scrapper, B. Vosburg Crown 2 Stamped


by Reka, 21 Jan 2009 (07:15 UTC)
Thanks, everyone! This challenge was a hard one for me, since I don't do "altered art", but I had fun with it!

by Courtney, 20 Jan 2009 (01:48 UTC)
I enjoyed the story. :)


by Shari Miles, 20 Jan 2009 (01:26 UTC)
Reka, this is great!!

by susan, 19 Jan 2009 (23:49 UTC)
As you already know, I love it. Good job, partner

by judy, 19 Jan 2009 (18:20 UTC)
This is great i love the journaling! I really fall short in that area. Well done i love it.
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