Phase 2: Poultry Population

How to make chickens.

First, you need eggs.

First, you need eggs.

If you ever had any doubt about which came first, well I can tell you - eggs. Always the eggs.

Next, add an adult hen and cook for 21 days.

Next, add an adult hen and cook for 21 days.

(Cook the eggs, not the hen.)

Next, tighten security to keep out other peckers.

Next, tighten security to keep out other peckers.

Voila! On day 21, new chickens will emerge.

Voila! On day 21, new chickens will emerge.

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by Jane, 23 Aug 2007 (22:55 UTC)
Hey I knew there was a reason I liked you guys! We just got our first eggs this week. Nothing like mixing chicks and kids. :)
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